
At L-EV8, we provide recruitment services that connect prospective non-executive directors with opportunities that align with their skills, expertise, and career aspirations.

Our experts leverage their extensive professional networks - spanning across various industries, sectors, and regions - to connect potential NED candidates with boards that require specific skills and expertise. These business contacts also enable us to tap into exclusive opportunities and positions that are not advertised through traditional channels. We also utilise close relationships with recruitment professionals to ensure that we can provide these opportunities even when our clients have career goals that lie outside the scope of our network.

Participants on our Foundation Course learn how to identify their career goals and find their perfect role, as well as the best ways to communicate with recruiters and apply for open positions. After completion of the course, participants can take this knowlege and utilise our in-house recruitment expertise to maximise their career potential.

Reach out to us to find out more about the recruitment opportunities we offer.