
The last few decades have seen an increase in the severity of bribery laws and their associated penalties. The strictures of the UK’s 2010 Bribery Act apply to all UK businesses and individuals, as well as any international businesses operating in or doing business with the UK.

It is essential that non-executive directors are properly trained on the requirements of bribery legislation, both in the UK and abroad. At L-EV8, we make it our mission to provide that training.

Non-executive directors know how to respond to allegations of bribery, particularly in situations where an allegation is made against an exective director and NEDs are required to take the lead on any investigations.

NEDs involved with international businesses must also be aware of the extra-territorial reach of both the United States’ Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK's Bribery Act. We ensure that our delegates are fully informed on their responsibilities under both regimes as part of our Foundation Course.